“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

- Mary Oliver


What is your unique gift to the world? 

What is your soul purpose? 

What is it you plan to do with your one precious life? 


You have always known there was something bigger for you to do, but as a highly sensitive person (HSP) you feel overwhelmed and depleted and don’t know how to get there. Or maybe you have come to recognize that your work or career is limiting you and therefore you are not living up to your fullest potential.

Could it be that you have been following the cultural rules (which were not designed for HSPs) for so long that you feel like you have bypassed your own dreams and wishes? Perhaps you have gotten busy with life and simply lost track of what those dreams, wishes and passions were.

For many sensitives, there is an assumption that you have to follow the traditional paths of career, work, parenting and relationships. But here’s the thing - you don’t have to continue being stuck! There are a myriad of ways to live your life and experience success and fulfillment. It might be time to think outside of those old paradigms!

Here are a few of the really common challenges I have heard about from clients over the years:

  • I know what I want to do, but I am stuck. I feel like I can’t get any traction.

  • I’ve always been behind with every benchmark in life. I don’t see how to make it different.

  • Whenever I try to make progress, I get overwhelmed and overthink it all. 

  • I know I want something different but I don’t know how to begin. 

  • I have spent all my time and energy trying to fit in and be “normal.”  I am exhausted! 

  • I never had the support to figure out what I am supposed to be doing with my life.

  • I know what I want to do now, but I don’t have the self-confidence to do it.


I look forward to helping you find your particular way!


In my many years of working with highly sensitive folks, I have learned that one common need we all share is to live a meaningful life.  And to lead a meaningful life, we must know what inspires us!

There are threads that run through your life that will inform you about what that inspiration is and how to fulfill it. You simply have to learn how to pay attention. Once you find your inspiration, it becomes your True North.

Whether you are raising a family, pursuing work and career, doing hobbies, engaging in relationships - it is essential that you be aligned with your values, principles and purpose. As a highly sensitive person, it is important that you live an inspired life. Nothing else will do!

Wherever you happen to be on your journey, that is the place to start. With two highly focused coaching programs, I will meet you where you are, and help you get to where you want to be!


I am glad you are here! My name is Scott, and I am a certified life and empowerment coach. I’m committed to supporting you in designing your most inspired life as well as guiding you towards the self-empowerment you need to live your inspiration into the world. 

One part of my personal story as an HSP is that I felt from a young age that I had a connection to animals and nature that was unique. It was noticeable to me as young as 4 or 5 and still is to this day, particularly my connection to animals. As is often the case with these types of life threads, it was not really something I had to work hard at; it is just who I am. However, it took until my mid twenties for me to gain a full awareness of this part of myself.  Once I recognized the threads as something to pay attention to, I was super inspired! The trajectory of my life changed in that moment -  from surviving to thriving!

Following my thread, a couple of years later, I joined a team in the Caribbean, running a retreat center that included swimming with dolphins in the wild. Nature & animals - I was definitely living my most inspired life!  Once I committed to following and trusting the thread, the obstacles that used to detour me were now manageable and my path presented itself! 

That path has included dedicating the past 20 years of my career to learning the potential of human growth and development. I have been consolidating all of this knowledge, and experience working with hundreds of clients, into a body of work that I call the Somatic Re-patterning Approach™

As an HSP and empath myself, I can relate to the journey you are on, and I am dedicated to being an advocate and ally for my fellow Sensitives so that we may collaboratively create a more heart-centered, kind and equitable world.


Empowerment Coaching For An Inspired Life


“His commitment and rigor in studying anatomy, neurophysiology, bodywork, and counseling psychology over nearly 20 years is apparent and supports his holistic and integrative approach to health and healing of the whole person – body, mind, & spirit.”

- Katie Asmus, Psychotherapist

“Scott's genius is in combining all of his skills and areas of knowledge, letting the boundaries between these disciplines soften. Scott works deeply with the whole person-- body, soul, and psyche-- not excluding any part of the human experience.”

- Lauren Golten, Psychotherapist

“I lead a deeper, more fulfilling, and more joyous life because of the work that he has done with me. He brings magic to it! Every time!”

- Jesse Dow, Executive Director

“I am moved by how he intricately interweaves his skills and knowledge to help me reach my goals. The work I have done with Scott has affected my life in deep and profound ways.”

- Lara Miller, Northfield Farm

“I have always been safely held within his compassion, integrity, and ability to listen deeply. His kind invitation for me to meet my sensations with curiosity allows me greater perspective and a loosening of the grip, which is so often the cause of suffering in my body and mind. Scott proves to be a trusted guide who not only assists me in tuning in to my embodied experience but also holds a sacred space where integration and healing occur naturally.”

- Lisa G.